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About the Apisvida Group

One of the largest companies in the segment of beekeeping and nutraceutical products in Brazil and now with greater representation abroad.


All raw materials used in the production of APISVIDA GROUP products are selected with great care, and undergo several analyzes and controls, all to ensure a quality product.


Laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology and highly qualified professionals to carry out physical-chemical analyzes of identity, purity and quality of raw materials. In addition to research and development of formulations and standardization of extracts used in our products.


The distribution system of APISVIDA GROUP is intelligent, ensuring the efficient distribution of products of each brand, with safety, quality and effectiveness, as it has a qualified logistics sector and partner companies, which guarantee delivery to retail chains, independent stores and also distribution by online purchase.


All raw materials used in the production of APISVIDA GROUP products are selected with great care, and undergo several analyzes and controls, all to ensure a quality product.


Laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology and highly qualified professionals to carry out physical-chemical analyzes of identity, purity and quality of raw materials. In addition to research and development of formulations and standardization of extracts used in our products.


The distribution system of APISVIDA GROUP is intelligent, ensuring the efficient distribution of products of each brand, with safety, quality and effectiveness, as it has a qualified logistics sector and partner companies, which guarantee delivery to retail chains, independent stores and also distribution by online purchase.


All our quality is proven

The only follow-up company with the ISO 22000 seal

There are thousands of products and several brands

Meet our top brands!

Group's traditional brand

Brand recently acquired by Grupo Apisvida

We are also present abroad!

Nossa história é emocionante...

Aperte o play e assista conosco!


Taking care of our ecosystem has always been everyone's responsibility!

We have a great responsibility, enjoying our planet, but with care and a lot of love, this is one of the goals of Apisvida Group, that’s why we developed some projects.

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